Found 4 item(s) matching search criteria:
- January 20, 2013 | His Worship | Scripture: Romans 12:1-2 | Series: Core Values | Speaker: Nate Pickowicz
- January 13, 2013 | His Church | Scripture: Acts 2:41-47 | Series: Core Values | Speaker: Nate Pickowicz
- December 16, 2012 | His Gospel | Scripture: John 3:16-17 | Series: Core Values | Speaker: Nate Pickowicz
- November 4, 2012 | His Word | Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 | Series: Core Values | Speaker: Nate Pickowicz
- SermonAudio – sermon audio going back to the beginning of HBC (November 4, 2012);
- BoxCast – videos from the last 90 days of our worship services;
- YouTube – sermon videos going back to the start of our live-streaming (March 22, 2020).
The ministries at Harvest Bible Church are all maintained by volunteers. Even so, there are physical realities to consider, especially with our readying a new building, keeping a website, providing live-stream services, etc., all of which require funding. If the Lord so moves in your heart to help us with a financial gift to keep these ministries going, you may do so here.
We cannot express how grateful we are for your gifts and prayers to help further the ministry here at Harvest Bible Church. Thank you.